Commercial Solar Solution – Trone Power

Commercial solar system

Minimize your business’s exposure to rapidly increasing electricity expenses by adopting a commercial solar solution. Experience substantial savings on your company’s electricity bills through Trone Power’s tailored commercial solar systems.

In the context of commercial solar systems ranging from 30 to 100KW, a Hybrid configuration combines the advantages of both grid-connected and battery storage solutions. This setup enables businesses to generate renewable energy from solar panels while also storing excess energy in batteries for use during non-sunny periods or peak demand times. This approach enhances energy independence, optimizes cost savings by reducing reliance on the grid during high tariff periods, and offers greater resilience against power outages. It’s a dynamic solution that ensures continuous power supply, efficient energy utilization, and potential revenue generation through excess energy sales to the grid.

In a commercial solar system ranging from 30 to 100KW, an on-grid configuration is employed. This means that the solar panels generate electricity during daylight hours, and any excess power produced is fed back into the grid. This surplus energy can be credited or compensated, reducing the overall electricity bill. During periods of low sunlight or high energy demand, the system draws electricity from the grid as needed. This on-grid setup offers businesses a cost-effective way to harness solar energy while maintaining a reliable connection to the utility grid for uninterrupted power supply.