Industrial solar system​ – Trone Power

Industrial solar system​

Industrial solar system

A 1 MW industrial solar system represents a robust and adaptable energy solution, integrating hybrid, off-grid, and on-grid configurations to meet a diverse array of energy needs for industrial operations.

Hybrid Configuration:

In the hybrid setup, the 1 MW industrial solar system seamlessly combines solar power with battery storage, optimizing energy utilization. During daylight hours, solar panels generate electricity while concurrently charging batteries. This stored energy can be tapped into during high-demand periods or when solar generation is limited, ensuring uninterrupted power supply. The hybrid configuration maximizes energy efficiency, curbs reliance on the grid, and serves as a backup power source during outages.

Off-Grid Configuration:

Deploying the 1 MW industrial solar system in an off-grid configuration grants industrial operations autonomy from the utility grid. Particularly beneficial in remote or challenging grid access areas, solar panels generate energy, stored in batteries to provide constant power for operations. Off-grid systems assure energy self-reliance, freeing industries from grid-related uncertainties and guaranteeing uninterrupted productivity.

On-Grid Configuration:

In the on-grid configuration, the 1 MW industrial solar system remains connected to the utility grid, offering a twofold advantage. Excess solar energy produced during peak periods is fed back into the grid, potentially generating revenue through feed-in tariffs. The system also accesses grid electricity during times of low solar output, ensuring uninterrupted power supply. This setup reduces operational costs and promotes sustainable energy practices.



  • Cost Efficiency: Across configurations, the 1 MW industrial solar system significantly reduces operational expenses by generating clean, renewable energy. This leads to substantial, long-term savings on energy bills, enhancing overall profitability.


  • Environmental Stewardship: Embracing solar energy contributes to a reduction in carbon emissions and fosters environmental sustainability. This aligns with corporate social responsibility goals and demonstrates a commitment to a cleaner planet.


  • Energy Security: Hybrid and off-grid setups offer energy security, ensuring constant power availability even during grid disruptions. This is particularly crucial for industries with critical operations, mitigating downtime and potential financial losses.


  • Flexibility for Industrial Needs: The flexibility to choose between hybrid, off-grid, and on-grid configurations allows industries to tailor the solar system to their unique energy requirements and operational goals.


  • Financial Incentives: Many regions provide incentives like tax credits, grants, and rebates for adopting solar energy, enhancing the return on investment and accelerating the payback period.


  • Enhanced Brand Image: Industries embracing sustainable energy practices enjoy a positive reputation among customers, partners, and investors. A solar-powered industrial setup showcases environmental consciousness and forward-thinking values.


  • Future-Proofing: Solar energy adoption safeguards industries against rising energy costs and potential energy shortages. It also positions them to comply with evolving environmental regulations.


  • Competitive Advantage: Industrial entities reducing operational costs through solar energy gain a competitive edge, attracting eco-conscious clients and partners and enhancing market positioning.


By incorporating hybrid, off-grid, and on-grid capabilities, a 1 MW industrial solar system offers a comprehensive array of advantages, including financial savings, environmental commitment, energy autonomy, adaptability, and a competitive edge. Industries that harness solar energy are poised not only to optimize operational efficiency but also to contribute to a greener future, establishing themselves as responsible entities committed to progress.


1 .  Vast expertise and a significant track record within Pakistan’s solar sector.


2 .  Offering premium-grade products accompanied by consumer-centric warranties.


3 .  Dedicated commitment to delivering superior customer service across the entire journey.


4 .  Seasoned solar advisors at your service, bringing their wealth of experience.


5 .  Skilled, specialized in-house electricians handling installations.


6 .  Recognized and accredited by The AEDB, assuring credibility.


7 .  Committed to recommending the optimal product for each individual consumer.


8 .  A wholly Pakistan-owned and operated enterprise, ensuring local roots.